Create Your Ideal Body Without Shame or Sacrifice
Create Your Ideal Body Without Shame or Sacrifice

A Personalized Approach to Health

8 years ago, I was 40 pounds overweight.

I had tried to shed the weight so many different times. Extreme diets, crazy amounts of cardio, diet pills, cleanses.

I was frustrated with my lack of results and the shame that came with it.

Then, I found a program that I was actually able to stick with and got me results, but the story didn’t end there…

You see, I quickly learned that a prescribed, “cookie cutter” approach to health wouldn’t work for me long-term and wouldn’t work for my clients.

My weight continued to fluctuate, and I bounced back and forth between my “goal weight clothes” and my “frumpy, hide my body” clothes.

Finally, about a year ago, something clicked for me.

I stopped focusing on the scale, and stopped obsessing over being perfect with my eating and workouts.

I learned to be flexible, and to focus on consistency over perfection. With this simple shift, I was able to release the guilt that often accompanies a weight loss journey.

Since then, I’ve been able to lose and maintain my weight. But more importantly, my goals are focused around healthy habits and not an arbitrary number on a scale.

I enjoy eating pizza and ice cream without feeling bad about it. I work out to get stronger and to start my day in a positive way, not to fit into a certain size or look like an Instagram model.

I’ve figured out what works best for me so I can feel my best physically AND emotionally. It has nothing to do with rules, good vs. bad foods, or any other shame-inducing approaches.

My coaching program is for you, if:

  • You’re tired of yo-yo dieting and feeling like nothing you’re doing is working
  • You want a blueprint to getting to your ideal body that’s tailored to YOU (because different things work for different people)
  • You want to create your ideal body, but you don’t want to have to sacrifice everything you love to get there

Book a free call to learn more! Questions? Email me at

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